

有关这些和其他可用服务的更多信息, 联系图书馆服务台,电话:(925)631-4229或电子邮件 askalib@stmarysca-ca.edu


Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Student Disability 服务 Coordinator at (925) 631-4164 to set up a confidential appointment to discuss accommodation guidelines and available services.


图书馆 services available for patrons with disabilities include assistance with 
  • 从任何图书馆地点检索资料
  • 扫描材料和使用缩微阅读器/打印机
  • 使用图书馆电梯
  • 要求电子访问SMC印刷材料




图书馆的电脑工作站放在可调节高度的桌子上, 包括安装了库兹韦尔软件的扫描站. 

ADA投诉, 设有中性卫生间, 还有咨询台, 图书馆的教室, 大多数自习室都有轮椅通道. 



You may access the databases 列表, or search for a particular database, by using the 数据库 列表. 单击您选择的数据库. If you are connecting from off campus, you will be prompted for your email login and password. Many of these databases offer full-text articles that can be accessed directly and printed or downloaded. The library subscribes to several databases with text to speech audio options so you can 列表en to or download your article to MP3. If you are having trouble, contact the 图书馆 at (925) 631-4624, email, text or chat.

你的图书馆记录在 库搜索. 你可以 use the specific link or access it any time you are in 库搜索 by clicking "Sign in,,位于屏幕的右上角.


  • 看看你都查了些什么
  • 更新材料 
  • 查看所需材料
  • 查看任何罚款,费用或封锁.


Access to other student accounts-- including GaelPrints and GaelXpress-- are available via MySMC

圣玛丽书院欢迎市民使用校园图书馆. You may search the 在线 catalog and use books and periodicals within the 图书馆 building at no charge. 我们的研究数据库对所有在校学生开放, 你可以通过校园客用wi-fi或图书馆客用电脑上网. 目前没有公共复印机可用. 

尽管我们优先考虑我们的主要客户- smc学生, 工作人员, and 教师—community members may receive assistance in locating information and using electronic resources from our reference librarians during regularly scheduled Reference Desk hours.

注:如果参观校园,请参阅 校园安全办公室 有关客人停车的资料. 每日停车许可证可在客人停车场购买. 



借书, community members and SMC 校友 may purchase a library card for an annual fee ($75 for community; $10 for 校友).

配偶, 合作伙伴, and children (ages 16 and up) of current Saint Mary's employees may register at the 图书馆 Service Desk for a free library card.  


看到我们的 关于借阅期的常见问题页面

请参阅所有的页面 借款和获取政策



Remote access to most electronic resources is limited by licensing agreements to current Saint Mary's 教师, 工作人员, 和学生. 然而, 社区用户, 校友, and employee family members may use electronic resources on-site using a guest computer station or campus guest wi-fi. 

All SMC 校友 (not just those with a library card) may access a few of the 图书馆's electronic resources after requesting and 毕业生登录.

看到我们的 “常见问题”网页Lumni访问数据库


New material purchases for the library are made by the specific 学科馆员s in accordance with the 馆藏发展政策


SMC教师应咨询他们的 学科馆员 if they wish to have material added to the 图书馆 Collection for their teaching or research. 

目前SMC的学生和员工也可以 建议具体的头衔 让图书管理员考虑添加. 

教师可以要求将课程材料提供给他们的学生 课程预留页面 或在服务台借阅.

If 教师 foresee using the same material to teach a course for multiple semesters, 可以选择请求增加教科书收藏.


查找更多信息或提交请求 课程储备和教科书页面.

请参阅我们的 关于教师版权指南的常见问题页面

The library has space available for exhibits and displays related to curricular or co-curricular activities at Saint Mary’s College. 展览场地先到即止, first-served basis with priority given to library- sponsored or mission-relevant events



你可以借书, 电影, and articles from other libraries using our 馆际互借 service embedded in 库搜索.

Book chapters and articles will be scanned and delivered to you electronically in 2-3 business days. Full books and media are sent via postal mail and will be available for you to pick up at the 图书馆 in about two weeks. 完整的书籍和媒体不能邮寄到您的家庭住址. 


看到我们的 关于请求和接收物品的常见问题页面 馆际互借


所有的学生, 教师, 和工作人员 must present a valid SMC identification card to borrow from the collection. 所有校友, 社区的借款人, 大学员工家属, 和附属借阅者必须到服务台办理借书证. Loss or theft of an identification card should be reported immediately to the Service Desk and contact the business office for a replacement.


看到我们的 关于借阅期的常见问题页面

请参阅所有的页面 借款和获取政策


你可以 寻求研究帮助 在参考咨询台或在参考时间上网查询.



教师:为你的班级安排一个研究会议 学科馆员.


看到我们的 如何预订房间的常见问题页面


  • 学习的房间 are open to any SMC students needing individual or group study space. Unfortunately, rooms are not available for 教师, 工作人员, 校友, or general community members.

  • 所有房间必须有有效的预订才能使用. Drop-ins are welcome if rooms are available, but all users must book rooms through the 网上订房系统.

  • 每个人一次只能有一个有效的房间预订.

  • 如团体/个人未能在预定时间15分钟内到场, 图书馆职员可取消预约, 另一组可以预订房间. 

  • Back-to-back/multiple reservations during the same day may not be allowed during busy times of the semester. In addition, these reservations may be canceled by library 工作人员 if rooms are in high demand. 可以提前7天预订, with bookable time ranging from 1-4 hours in the summer and up to 2 hours in the fall.


  • 不要让房间无人看管.

  • 自习室的钥匙不能离开图书馆.

  • Dry-erase markers and erasers are available for checkout at the 图书馆 Service Desk.

  • 预订房间的人对房间的条件负责. 因此, 请打扫你的学习区域, 处理任何垃圾, 让房间保持良好的状态,以供下一个用户使用。.

    • 使用后将白板擦除,并将借用的记号笔归还服务台.

    • 请不要移动桌子,椅子放回原处.

  • 自习室不是隔音的.  Maintain reasonable noise levels and keep the door closed to prevent noise from leaving the room.

  • 15分钟后"不来"的人将取消预订

  • 客房设有平板显示器, DVD / VHS录像机, 白板/黑板, and a table with a chair (students should bring their own whiteboard markers or chalk). 







There are five standing charging stations scattered around the building with different plug-ins. There are also individual phone chargers and universal laptop chargers that you can check out from the front desk on the first floor. 


每层楼都有电脑. 学生、教师和工作人员可以使用他们的SMC用户名和密码登录. Guests can request to use two computers located at the reference desk for their research needs. 


通过GaelPrint,学生、教师和工作人员都可以使用打印机. 登录上传打印文档. 选择要将文档发送到的特定打印机. 您将需要释放它们以打印,这可以从任何设备上执行.

有关打印的更多信息,请参阅IT服务. 我在校园里哪里可以打印?

Please be aware: if you print and release your documents and then do not pick them up quickly, 他们将被处理掉. 如果您有任何问题,请到技术吧寻求帮助. 


我们有几种扫描器可供学生使用, 教师, 和工作人员, including quick book scanning stations and a scanner station installed with Kurzweil software The main printers also serve as document scanners and copiers. For assistance in using these machines, please call IT 服务 at (925) 631-4266.


所有的自习室都配备了媒体观看设备, 此外,还可以使用额外的单人媒体观看卡. 向图书馆服务台索取遥控器. 


Two microform machines are located on the third floor of the library that anyone can use. 如需协助使用这些机器,请与图书馆服务台联络.
